
He loved me first

I discovered your footprints on the beach to realize that I was not alone.

That while I was walking I did not even suspect that at a prudent distance you were looking at me.

He drew scrawls from a nearly dimming sun. A very uncomfortable humidity made me think that nothing would have hope.

It was there, where I bumped into your fingertips. With that image imprinted on my memory, filling my dream of hope.

I discovered your footprints to realize that I was not just walking for life. It was her, the life, that as a bride in love kissed my lips. With a hug like the embrace of children I felt my skin renew. I was born again.

A birth never ever slippery. A song with morning coffee flavor, stream water in the throat.

Footprints in the sand, memorable blessing of a God who loved me first.

1 John 4:19

We love him, because he first loved us.

Serafín Alarcón Carrasquillo


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Salmos 149:4-5 - porque el Señor se deleita en su pueblo; él corona al humilde con victoria. Que los fieles se alegren de que él los honra; que canten de alegría mientras descansan en sus camas. Hay tantas razones para dar gracias a Dios. Darle gracias por su fidelidad en cada prueba. Por su paciencia cuando muchas veces no queremos escucharle. Y claro, por su AMOR inagotable. Cantarle y alabarle con toda el alma es cosa obligada para todo aquel que ha sido bendecido por su Gracia y misericordia. !Animo!